
There are just over 80 moorings available to members. These are a mixture of trot, swing and deep water moorings.
General upkeep of moorings is the responsibility of individual boat owners.
Most moorings are overseen by the club’s CCTV security cameras.

The workshop is free to use for all members. There are a range of club tools available including a fixed drill, portable crane, vice, workbenches, numerous electrical sockets and a toolbox with some basic equipment in it.
All we ask is that you leave the workshop in the same condition as you found it.

The clubhouse is the social hub of the club. There is a microwave oven, electric hob, kettle and mugs, plates and cutlery. Tea, coffee, milk and biscuits are provided from voluntary donations. The noticeboard is regularly updated with important club notices.
There is also access to a large balcony, which offers fabulous views across Stonehouse Creek and the River Tamar.

The yard is used in the winter for boat storage. A waiting list is in operation for winter storage. During the summer the yard is used for secure parking of members’ cars. The yard has water, electricity, fixed crane, toilet and shower, secure engine store and tender storage available for the use of all members.
The yard is protected by CCTV cameras and is only accessible to members.
Maintenance of our facilities
As a member of SPBA we ask that you give some of your time each year to help with maintenance and improvement of our facilities. We call for workgroups from time to time to support with a wide range of maintenance and improvement tasks. Don’t worry if you don’t have any specific skills to offer, there is always a task you can help out with during the year.
Boatyard Regulations and Conditions
1. Yard keys remain the property of the SPBA at all times and are not transferable. Any member found lending keys to unauthorised persons will be liable to expulsion from the Association. Any keys found should be returned to the yardmaster.
Lock the gate at all times. Always assume that you are the last to leave and ensure that the clubhouse, workshop, engine shed and pontoon gates are secured.
2. Car parking in the yard is available to mooring holders only on a first come first served basis and entitles the mooring holder to park one car. Friends, family or visitors cars are to be parked elsewhere. Parking permits must be displayed.
3. All members using SPBA facilities are responsible for keeping the area clean and tidy. This includes the clubhouse, workshop and toilet. Every member is expected to remove their own rubbish and tidy up after themselves at the end of each day.
4. Children and animals are to be supervised at all times.
5. Noise is to be kept to a minimum, particularly at night to avoid disturbing nearby residents. During the winter storage period halyards are to be tied away from the mast and loose covers are to be secured.
6. Loose fuel and flammable materials are not to be stored in the boatyard.
7. The pontoons are for the use of all members and are not to be used as a marina berth. Unattended or overnight mooring to the pontoons is not permitted without prior permission from the yardmaster.
8. Tender storage is available in the boatyard racks or on the pontoon for a yearly fee set by the committee. All tenders are to be clearly marked with the SPBA mooring number
9. Members using the pontoon for tender storage are to consider other members at all times and not block the access ladders. Tenders are to be moored in the designated area only.
10. Winter Storage facilities shall only be available to Association mooring holders, at fees set by the committee and shall be payable by the 30th September.
Payment of the winter storage fee shall entitle the member to the following only:
a. Vessel storage October to April.
b. Reasonable use of electricity and water.
11. During the winter storage period the yard gates are to be kept locked at all times. No vehicles are to obstruct the entrance to the gates.
12. Winter Storage fees are charged per foot of boat length. This includes bowsprits, davits, permanently fitted outboard engines, Z drives and swimming platforms.
13. Owners of vessels laid up in the yard for winter storage are to ensure that the said vessel is insured for the full winter storage period.
14. The vicinity of the lifting area during craning is a “Hard Hat Area”. Any members not directly involved with the lifting operation are to remain clear of the lifting area
15. Owners of sailing boats are required to drop their backstays prior to lifting.
16. Owners are to provide and be responsible for the shoring of their vessel to the satisfaction of the yardmaster. In addition:
a. Keel and bilge blocks to be placed athwart ships and all blocks are to be of sufficient base dimensions to ensure stability in the event of an accidental bumping.
b. Concrete blocks are not to be used.
17. During the winter storage period, trailers are to be within the confines of the length and beam of the mother vessel. Trailers are to be removed from the yard immediately after launch day.
18. Outboard engines are to be removed or covered, from all vessels on crane out day and are not to be refitted earlier than 2 days before the spring launch.
19. Electric cables are to be free from defects, repairs and non waterproof joints. Long cables of insufficient capacity for the load being carried could get hot and pose a fire risk.
20. All cables to be unplugged at the end of each day and either coiled up in a manner that they do not constitute a hazard. Nothing is to be left switched on overnight or when unattended, this includes battery chargers, heaters and dehumidifiers.
21. The pumping of bilges, tipping of oil, fuel or paint down drains or over the sea wall is not permitted. Any spillages are to be cleaned up immediately.
22. No Vessel will be craned in or out without the owner or his/her agent being present. If an agent is to be appointed the yardmaster must be advised in writing.
23. The Association will not, under any circumstances, act as agent.
24. The Association will not accept liability for the safety or insurance of any vessel or its contents.
25. In the event of any owner offering the vessel for sales whilst it is laid up in the yard, the following conditions shall apply:
a. Sale must be by private treaty.
b. “FOR SALE” notices on vessels are prohibited under the terms of the lease.
26. In the event of any owner selling his boat whilst it is laid up in the yard, the owner (SPBA member) remains fully responsible for the said vessel until it leaves the yard. The new owner must be accompanied at all times whilst visiting the yard.
Regulations and Conditions updated and approved by SPBA committee on 11 September 2006 .